Kindness Hacks from Shoftim

‘I am your constant companion....

Half the things you do you might just as well turn over to me, and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly....

I am easily managed – you must merely be firm with me...

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet...

Who am I...?’


We are told in this weeks Parsha to walk in the ways of G-d ‘all the days’ (Devarim 19:9).

The Sages explain that walking in the ways of G-d means emulating G-d’s kindness and compassion. G-d is the ultimate giver, building and sustaining our world constantly.

The Chofetz Chaim notes that the Torah is stressing that this must be done every day. It is a mistake to think that if one does someone a favour they have ‘covered’ their obligation to do kindness for the next few weeks.

Every day of our lives we need to go out of our way to do a favour for someone.

In the lead up to Rosh Hashana it is a prime time to take on a small step to improve ourselves. Right here in this Parsha is a suggestion.

A daily act of kindness. To make it a habit.
‘Kindness is not an act, it’s a lifestyle’ Antony Williams

(Extract from poem by Steven Covey, Torah ideas Adapted from Love your Neighbour by Zelig Pliskin)

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Albert Einstein